Monday, December 3, 2012

5 Most Weird and Unique Pool in the World

1.Devil's Pool, Zimbabwe
     If you're ever go to Zimbabwe, do not miss the chance to swim in The Devil's Pool, a small lagoon,  surrounded by rocks, on the edge of one, the biggest waterfall of the most beautiful in the world, Victoria Falls. Set on Livingstone Island, at a height of 103 meters,jumping into Devil's Pool is an adventurous thing to do and you need to be a decent swimmer. If you're careful it's safe enough and there have been no casualties. There is a safety line to hold onto when you're swimming to get to Devils' Pool in case the current is too much for you. Devil's Pool is definitely one of the most beautiful locations on Earth. During the months of Septemberand December, people can swim as close as possible to the edge of the falls without fear of falling.

2.Natural Phenomenon Bioluminescent Bay at La Parguera 
    Vieques Island in Puerto Rico offers the best experience for swimming. Although the name of the Gulf of Miskitomay seem attractive, bay with the water surface revealed the secret even during the dark nights with nomoon light. This is the water that burns. Not with radioactivity, but in each gallon of the bay, there are 720,000single-cell organismsthat glow phosphor when they are anxious. Swimming in the Gulf Miskito will make your body shine the blue-green light. However, if you take a handful of water, you can see the plankton.The high salinity of the water make you can float without sinking.

3.Jellyfish Lake, Palau
    In the area of ​​Palau, more than 12,000 years ago, an isolated rock islandsea and jellyfish caught in the sea and turned into a lake. With few predators on the island of Eil Malk rock, jellyfish prospered and grow multiplied there. Now the lake is more than10 million jellyfish known as jellyfish lake. Their ability to sting disappears with the time, now swimming with them are completely harmless. Its sizevaries.

4.Blue Lagoon, Iceland
The place is filled with lots ofartificial ponds that contain material from volcanic activity. With mineral-rich water contained  is believed to have the power to cure certain diseases. In winter, steam emerging from the pond surrounded by snow and ice, creating a tense atmosphere.

5.Nemo 33
     Nemo 33 is a swimming pool which is located in Brussels, Belgium which has a depth of up to 33 meters depth which itself exceeds the allowable limit of depth while you are diving (diving).The pool is actually intended for dive trainingis already equipped with a variety ofsimulation such as cave-shaped room (cave).
As for the need to use water, a swimming poolusing the water as much as 2.5 million liters.

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