Sunday, November 25, 2012


     A syndrome caused by mental stress which patients complain of a loss of some or all of his body. They often felt had died and become a walking corpse.This illusion is usually expanded that patients can smell his own rotting flesh and feel worms crawling through their skin. This syndrome is usually experienced by people who suffer from schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. But people who suffer from migraines, tumors or trauma are also reported frequently experiencing this strange disease.
   Treatment should follow the diagnosis of all the basics, as well monothera peutic the most strategic combinations that have been reported. Antidepressants, Antipsychotic and mood stabilsers also used. Many positive reports useful to Electroconvulsive Therapy, mostly combined with pharmacotherapy. Walking corpse syndrome is not a contagious disease.

    Alice In Wonderland Syndrome or called Todd's Syndrome or Mikropsia disorientation is a condition where there is a nerve that affects visual perception in humans. Patients with this syndrome will feel to see something like friends, animals, or objects being smaller than reality. In general, the perceived object appears very far or very close at the same time.For example, a dog will look as big as a mouse or the car will be shrunk to scale. the condition is associated with the perception of course, it happened because the error with the brain processes of the information structure not because of eyes damages.This disease can not be cured, but there are medications to reduce symptoms significantly.

   Pica is a type of eating disorder and at the same time a mental disorder that is characterized by consumption and ingestion of non-food and non-nutritive items like clay, dirt, sand, paper, glue, buttons, toothpaste, soap, chalk and many others. Some people may see sufferers as just “freaky eaters”, but this condition is very dangerous especially among small children because the things that they eat are not edible and certain ingredients like lead is very poisonous and can damage the stomach linings and may even kill.
   The most commonly affected by pica eating disorder are children as young as two years. At this stage the behavior is not really diagnosed as pica eating disorder because children typically put things in their mouths as part of their growing stage. Pica among pregnant women is also common and the condition is overcome by the time of the childbirth, but some carry on the pica eating disorder even after giving birth. Persons with mental retardation or developmental disabilities are also likely to develop pica eating disorder.

     Progeria is caused by a single tiny defect in a child's genetic code, but it has devastating and life-changing consequences. On average, a child born with this disease will die at the age of 13. When they see their bodies fast forward through the normal process of aging they show a striking development of physical symptoms, often including premature baldness, heart disease, thinning bones and arthritis. Progeria is extremely rare, there are only about 48 people living with it in the whole world. However, ever be found where there is a family of her five children suffering from progeria.

    When he was two years old, Abys DeJesus starting to look weird, feathers appear on the face and parts of her body, and then the doctor said she had a condition known as Human Werewolf Syndrome. The disease is called werewolf syndrome because people with it look like werewolves - except without the sharp teeth and claws. In Mexico, a large family of people have hair covering their faces and upper bodies. Two brothers even offered a part in the X-Files but they rejected the offer.

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